Entries by Lara Thomas


Last night Kit muttered “soap” in her sleep. I know why that four letter word accompanies others in the middle of the night. Others like “Mama”, after which I whisper, “Mama loves you”. Words like “Momo”, after which I tell her, “I’m here”. Soap. I hear “soap”and smile in the dark. It’s from a game […]

It’s a wrap

Here I am, writing, and it’s at 9am rather than at 9pm. Now to figure out is what to say? Let me start with something easy: I just finished my second cup of coffee. The mug now sits empty on the window sill. It’s a blue mug and beyond the pane you can see the […]

Crescent moon

Photograph of the day: Today we had an elopement in Stellenbosch. Kyle (a fellow photographer that I often work with) and I drove together. Kyle drove my car (he drives a motorbike). He drove because I had a rough night’s sleep (or lack of it) so I thought it would be safer (it was, this […]


Jess and I decided to skip AI. Not artificial intelligence – artificial insemination. I always think of a turkey baster when I think of AI. I don’t even really know what a turkey baster looks like, to be honest. But I imagine some version of one. I know that in reality AI is far more […]


A month or so ago I married a couple in my courtyard. In the lead up to the legal signing, the bride and I had been emailing each other for a while. In one of her emails she told me she was about to undergo IVF treatment. On the morning of the signing she sent […]


Snippets of today: Watermelon and cling peach for breakfast; Jess overheard a mother at the tidal pool say, “I hate it when people come up to us at the beach and want our kids to play – we’re here for family time not to socialise with strangers”; We bought sushi from the Vredehoek spar (a […]

6% battery

I got home a few minutes ago and I’m already in bed, next to a sleeping Kit. I Brought my laptop upstairs to do my daily post only to discover, now, that I have 6% battery left. Make that 5%. I can’t be arsed to go find my laptop cord right now so I will […]

Dear Sugar

Today felt like an exhale for our little family – a long awaited one. This evening when Jess and I were celebrating that exhale, we spoke about a Cheryl Strayed quote where she refers to sister lives. For today’s piece of writing, I’m going to be lazy and I’m going copy and paste. It’s been […]

Very little

This evening I sat on the one end of our lounge on a green velvet couch and Jess sat on the opposite side on a poof near the fireplace. Across the distance I said, “I love you” and then I asked, “what are you thinking?” “Very little.” Same. Not much is coming to me tonight […]

The last time

Last year sometime I listened to a podcast (and I can’t remember which one – it may have been Tim Ferris but I’m not sure of the guest). Anyway, in the episode the guest spoke about an aspect of Stoicism that helps him. He said that when he struggles with something, he tries to think […]